Railroad Fork of Flint Creek   page 1 of 2: Put-in to the tunnel of meat   PAGE 2>>
Put in just below this, tunnel #9.  You can clearly see the 5 1/2 blocks exposed.  This level was basically perfect.
Brian McAnnally checks out one of numerous trains that headed up the hill.  At one point the pusher engine engineer stopped to watch us from one of the bridges.
Shane Hulsey at the bottom of Geisha, heading into tunnel 5.
Shane and Brian just upstream of the old double arched bridge (#4).  I don't know how long this railroad line has been there, but it's been a while for sure.
Shane drops into tunnel #2
Brian heads into tunnel #1, which had some unexpectedly turbulent water at it's entrance.  Below here the main entree is served, see page 2.

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